Hello! Welcome to My Road to PT.
My name is Katie, and I graduated physical therapy school in 2018. I started this blog as a pre-physical therapy student in 2013 and haven’t stopped yet! My goal is to help you succeed with your road to becoming a PT. Here you will find advice for studying, interviewing, essay writing, and much more!
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll respond quickly. I’ve also provided a list of other helpful resources that I have used as a student and new grad.
Thank you for visiting, and best of luck with your journey!

Recent Posts
Study Resources for the PCS Exam
July 26, 2024
Attending CSM 2018 as a PT Student
January 27, 2020
6, 8, and 12 Week NPTE Study Plans
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TherapyEd vs Scorebuilers: Which NPTE Book is the Best for You?
December 14, 2019