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My Notes

I created all of the following notes during my 3 years of physical therapy school. All of the documents are editable, so feel free to download and customize for your own personal learning needs!

  • You will need Microsoft Word to open the documents.
  • Download the font “Calibri” if you want the documents to look the same as the photos.
  • If you would like a PDF version or any references used, please contact me. 


  • Please double check with your own notes. The information may have errors, may not be up-to-date, or may be different from what your professor wants you to know.
  • Don’t claim that anything is your own work. If you have a similar assignment, feel free to borrow some ideas, but cheating isn’t worth your time or your degree.
  • The following information is for educational purposes only, and is not considered professional medical advice. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care provider if you have questions about a medical diagnosis.

Evaluation Templates

To download all of the Evaluation Templates, click here for the Dropbox folder

PT School Notes

To download all of the PT School Notes, click here for the Dropbox folder